
Posted by Marjan Pataca
Thursday, Aug 06, 2020
Back in the day, it was a complicated job to support various devices and protocols. Integration was a process of protocol investigation, custom development, a lot of testing and the end result was often tailored for the specific system with low possibility to reuse existing device protocol driver.
Posted by Mihaela Pavicic
Monday, Mar 11, 2019

time-series database is, simply put, a database optimised for timestamped data, so data entries whose main identification entity is time (the “primary key”).

Friday, Oct 26, 2018
Publish Angular library to NPM with ng-packagr
You want to have an application that can be run as a standalone and you can pack it as a library that can be published to NPM and then reused (installed) inside other applications? You can use Angular CLI to generate your application, and ng-packagr to pack it and publish it. You can also use this tutorial just to see how you can pack and publish your application as a library.
Thursday, Aug 23, 2018
Many Angular developers are asking a question about what is a counterpart of a $compile() function of AngularJs in Angular (2+). In AngularJs you were able to append a string with some HTML markup and AngularJs directives to a template and use $compile() function to generate a fully functional view. In Angular there is no $compile() function, so you need to use other tricks to achieve a similar result.
Friday, Jan 19, 2018
Manipulating SVG using D3.js

If you are a frontend developer working with SVG images, you probably got in touch with various JavaScript libraries made specifically for manipulating vector images, like Raphael, SnapSVG or SVG.js.